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Keys to Speed Program

Keys to Speed Program

Are you struggling to get faster? This program can help you get faster in 6 weeks! Unless you’re running track at a high level school, your coaches probably aren’t teaching you how to be FAST! There are 3 realms of the nervous system that need to be trained for speed: Strength, Magnitude, and Ankle Stiffness. This program will take you through a bit of all 3 realms to help build your speed foundation! 

What's Included:

  • 6 week strength program specific to speed development
  • Form Feedback and Correction through video
  • Mobility Exercises 
  • Speed + Plyometric Training 
  • Workout Template to create your own workouts 
  • Eligibility for 3 month training program discount

How It Works:

Potential athletes are encouraged to complete and submit a movement screening through video; unless we’ve previously worked together. The screening is optional but it does help personalize the program to fit your needs. If you opt out of the screening, a general speed program will be sent to you.


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