Meet Coach Tyler

My name is Tyler Freeman and I am the founder and head coach of Tfreetraining, a personal training company that helps people achieve their fitness goals and unleash their full potential. I have a passion for fitness and sports, especially football, which has been my lifelong dream.

I was born and raised in SoCal, the Inland Empire, where I grew up with a competitive spirit and a strong work ethic. I always wanted to be in the NFL, but I faced many challenges and obstacles along the way. I started playing tackle football late, in 7th grade, and I had to catch up with my peers who had more experience and skills. I had raw talent, but I didn’t get the proper coaching and development that I needed in high school. My senior year was the best of all, but I still didn’t have enough quality film to get a scholarship to a college.

I decided to go to a community college that was 45 minutes away from home, because I wanted to reinvent myself and pursue my dream with minimal distractions. However, after a month of driving back and forth, I realized that it was not feasible financially. I had to take a year off from sports and focus on developing my skills on my own. I found an ex-NFL vet on YouTube who had a lot of valuable tips and advice on how to go pro. I bought his guide and followed it religiously. I trained hard, ate well, studied the game, and improved my mindset. I started to see great results and I was very happy with my progress.

After two years of hard work, I finally got my D1 offer. I was one step closer to my ultimate goal. I joined the team and was ready to make an impact. However, things didn’t go as planned. I struggled to learn the scheme and the playbook during the season and I didn’t get much playing time. As soon as I got comfortable and confident with the system, the entire coaching staff got fired. The new coaching staff had a different scheme and a different vision, and I didn’t fit into their plans. I was cut from the team and I felt devastated.

I didn’t give up, though. I got into the transfer portal and went to a D2 school. I hoped to get a fresh start and a new opportunity. Unfortunately, the coaching there was not much better. I was benched for the season because of a few missed plays in fall camp. I realized that I was not going to make it to the NFL like I had hoped. I was sad and disappointed, but I also learned a valuable lesson. I learned that I wanted to be the coach and trainer that I never had. The coach and trainer that goes the extra mile to make sure their clients have all the tools necessary to change their lives. The coach and trainer that cares about their clients’ goals, needs, and dreams. The coach and trainer that inspires, motivates, and empowers their clients to reach their full potential.

That is why I started my personal training career. I wanted to share my passion, knowledge, and experience with others who want to improve their fitness and wellness. I wanted to help people overcome their challenges and achieve their goals, whether it is losing weight, gaining muscle, improving performance, or simply feeling better. I wanted to create a positive and supportive community of like-minded individuals who support each other and celebrate each other’s success. I wanted to make a difference in people’s lives and help them become the best version of themselves.

At Tfreetraining, we offer personalized training programs, online coaching, nutrition guidance, and motivational content. We cater to all levels of fitness, from beginners to advanced. We use proven methods and techniques that are based on science and experience. We provide constant feedback and accountability to ensure that you stay on track and get the results you want. We also make sure that you have fun and enjoy the process, because fitness should be fun and rewarding.

If you are ready to take your fitness to the next level, contact us today and let me help you achieve your goals. I promise you that you won’t regret it. Together, we can help you evolve into your highest self!